Superior Electrical (Superior) was in the business of installing electrical wiring and related components at new construction sites. Because some employees were assigned company vehicles equipped with company tools and materials and were expected to drive those vehicles to the work sites, Superior required all employment applicants to hold a valid driver’s license. Employees who […]

Download the dataset. The data set is information about the tax assessment value assigned to medical office buildings in a city. The following is a list of the variables in the database: Floor Area: square feet of floor space Offices: number of offices in the building Entrances: number of customer entrances Age: age of the building […]

For this Discussion, imagine that you are a personnel consultant advising a human resources manager who is contracting for the evaluation of a large training program. Presume the client is concerned about a serious organizational issue. Select one of the following scenarios that the training may address: Workers in a nuclear power plant being lax […]

Instructions: First, watch this video on the Impact of Analytics on the Restaurant Industry. https://youtu.be/maLt-FFet_I (you can copy and paste to see video) Second, answer the following questions below by referring to the video, the chapter reading and additional reading on analytics in your module, and the additional resources below: Why is it that restaurants […]

Question 1 APA FORMAT 350 words each questions Page 498, Skill Builder 15.1 What Would You Do? Three people applied to you for an opening as a lathe operator. One is totally unqualified. One is experienced, but has a poor attitude. The third lacks experience, but seems especially eager for the job; you think she […]

Instructions Scenario According to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the probability of a magnitude 6.7 or greater earthquake in the Greater Bay Area is 63%, about 2 out of 3, in the next 30 years. In April 2008, scientists and engineers released a new earthquake forecast for the State of California called the Uniform California […]