Details on the Individual Research Paper: 1. Length and Style: The body of an analytic research paper should be at least 10 pages in length (but not more than 12 pages) and typed using the APA Guide. Student projects distill fundamental issues, discuss the various available solutions, discuss the benefits and limitations of the available solutions, […]

What are today’s most pressing drug-related issues, and what can the police attempt to do about them? What is the legal status of medical and recreational use of marijuana? Do you feel marijuana should be legalized in all states? If so, why, if not, why not? Senate Bill 319 was recently passed by the Georgia […]

INTRODUCTION We have been studying [ ] in class. Before I started this investigation [Describe what you did] My goal for this investigation was to figure out [your goal]. The guiding question was [guiding question]. Method To gather the data I needed to answer this question, I [describe what you did to collect data]. I […]

Unit 2 DB: Organizational Culture (MGT105 Principles of Management) For this discussion, research an organizational culture for a company like Google, or use your personal experiences working at an organization. First, concisely describe three (3) aspects of your organization’s culture making the connections between this week’s reading materials and the company you’ve chosen. Next, is […]

investigate at least six sources related to the current state of these major world issues Write a well-structured that examines the major factors that are driving this issue. Consider the impact on globalization and the free trade policies that have shaped the world over the past sixty years. Consider the role that “nationalism” is playing […]

Instructions This week you will research and write a 2-3 page paper in APA format about the history of your selected population. Include citations and references including NASW’s Code of Ethics. Use the select questions below, to guide you: How has this group been treated historically in our culture? What is the history (e.g., laws, […]