Complete an internet search and identify a project that is of interest to you. The best source would be through a general internet search and/or local media sources. When selecting a project of interest to you, avoid picking one that is either too big or too small. For example, do not decide to build a […]

1. Choose a topic of interest related to family communication 2. Write a paper that proposes a research study of the topic. a. Review relevant literature b. Propose a new research question or hypothesis c. Describe the proposed study i. Sample ii. Method of Data Collection (QUANY or QUAL) iii. Method of Data Analysis iv. […]

. What purpose does exploratory research serve? List and explain three situations in which exploratory research would be a good choice. Q2. Nabisco has introduced a new brand of cookies and wants to know how many of their customers purchase their cookies more than once. What type of research should they use? Q3. In what […]

Using the same design challenge that you selected in Week 6 and completed the Week 7 assignment on, develop an Innovation Metric. Focusing only on understanding the job at this point (there should be no discussion of solutions, ideas, or concepts in this assignment) develop the following four slides: You will need to submit 1 to 2 slides for […]

Course description Geopolitical Affairs introduces human, cultural, and political geography. Consideration of the world in various spatial contexts will demonstrate the geographical interdependence between people, places, and environments. Exploration of current global challenges and spatial linkages reveal the interconnections between people, culture, and place and demonstrate the local and global connections of action. Organized thematically, […]

Edward was employed as a laborer by Vampire Falls. On May 5, 2010, Edward was sent to the Vampire Falls Cemetery and instructed to install a row of headstones along the property line between the Town Park and the neighboring property, owned by Bella. Edward went to the Town Park and began to dig holes […]