classmates response

    October 10, 2022

I need a response for this 2 peers

Peer 1 
I stay in Miami Dade County in the State of Florida where medical attention is characterized by harsh and poor conditions. The medical attention is at the worst state of its when compared with the top county in the State of Florida. Ranked forty from the sixty seven counties, Miami Dade provides the most awful medical care access as well as interest that is showcased by the uninsured medical hygiene that has twenty one %, bad diabetes care as well as monitoring of eighty seven %, delays as well as prolonged visits for all the individuals in the clinic wards that has a seventy % as compared to the greatest placed at fifty four %. It’s additionally characterized by minimal entry to x-ray and mammography assessment on the individuals that is at fifty seven % implying the assessment methods aren’t readily available on the individuals (Brown, 2011). Additionally, it lacks sufficient wellness as well as medical care personnel which range from the dentists, primary care doctors as well as mental health providers that ratios are one: 1580, one: 1250, 1:700 for the average total population of the county implying that one healthcare personnel is anticipated to deliver a lot more people. These qualities imply the method is very poor and requires improvements. 
As a nurse practitioner I’d suggest quick treatment from the federal government as well as state authorities to plan in enhancing the medical treatment scenarios of the Miami Dade County to better conditions (Kramer, 2008). This is often carried out by installation of even more x-ray and mammography assessment to decrease the unattended instances, employing much more medical care, mental health as well as dentists to reduce the ratio that every personnel offers several individuals that causes prolonged stays and delayed treatment for all the individuals in the clinic wards. Doing this, the medical care access as well as delivery is going to be effective for the individuals and therefore Miami Dade County is a much better place for everybody. 

Peer 2 
One of the healthcare issues that need improvement in a State like Florida is the issue of Alcohol‐impaired driving deaths. According to the (2019), the percentage of deaths that are due to alcohol consumption stands at 29% In the US, 25 % in the state of Florida, With a Minimum of 10% and maximum of 70% cases in the state. Statistics by the as of 2018 (data used from 2012-2016) show that Alachua county had the highest number of deaths and approximately 30% are alcohol-impaired (, 2019). This is a high number, and it’s, therefore, a disturbing issue that should be looked into. Most of these deaths are preventable, and the percentage of drunk driving can be reduced by coming up with effective policies. 
           The creation of the community health center programs will bring the public and healthcare professionals together in advocating for safety measures. In Florida, impaired driving accounts to a quarter of all motor vehicle deaths. By coming up with effective programs, awareness and education campaigns can be provided to reduce cases that occur due to drunk driving. 
Drunk driving is a serious issue for public health. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is estimated that at least 30 people die per day (Ying et al., 2013).This is a horrifying figure, and in dealing with such cases nurses need to act as change agents who will advocate for change in policy and processes for individuals in the community. As a nursing practitioner, it is best to come up with innovative ideas and practices that would create knowledge, develop policies and practices that would put assure public safety and reduced cases of drunk driving. According to the American Academy of Nursing (AAN) (2015), nurses need to engage in successful initiatives that would protect the public against health risks. In most cases, Nursing innovation requires the investment of resources-time, energy, reputation and energy (Mason,Leavitt

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