Collaboration Café: Advancing Holistic Health: Synthesis of Learning

    November 5, 2022

Collaboration Café: Advancing Holistic Health: Synthesis of Learning
MSN-prepared nurses are uniquely positioned to lead holistic nursing care across a variety of healthcare delivery contexts. Reflect upon the learning that has occurred in Week Eight, and respond to the following:
Describe a scenario involving an individual with complex health concerns. Include the physical, psychosocial, cultural, economic, educational, and environmental factors that influence the health status of the individual in the scenario.
Where is the individual on the health continuum, and why?
How might the MSN-prepared nurse support positive health outcomes through a holistic approach and expanded competency with advanced assessment, pathophysiology and pharmacology?
Looking ahead, how will competency in advanced health assessment, pathophysiology, and pharmacology will be especially useful to your practice?

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