Critical Incident Stress Debriefing Click here to read a scenario. This scenario is attached

    September 15, 2022

Critical Incident Stress Debriefing
Click here to read a scenario. This scenario is attached
Create a 10- to 12-page paper, answering the questions in each of the following sections:
Section A: Consultant to Hostage Negotiators

How will you prepare for your role as a consultant to hostage negotiators?
What specific consultation will you provide to the negotiators?
Who will be in charge of the negotiations?
What specific functions will you perform as the consultant?
What are the ethical considerations?

Section B: Consultant to Interrogators

How will you prepare for your role as a consultant to interrogators?
What specific consultation will you provide to the interrogators?
Who will be in charge of the interrogation?
What specific functions will you perform as the consultant?
What are the ethical considerations?

Section C: Debriefer

What approach will you use in working with personnel?
What approach will you use in working with the victims of the hostage takers? Do you have any special concerns that would need to be addressed?
What are the goals of the debriefing? Do they differ for the personnel and the victims of the hostage-taking?
What types of follow-up will you recommend?
What are the ethical considerations?


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