critical issues and strategic questions regarding managing human resources in criminal justice agencies.

    October 10, 2022

  1. Article for Publication Guidelines:
    Each student will take an in-depth look and examine the critical issues and strategic questions regarding managing human resources in criminal justice agencies. It will focus on human resource administration as a coherent proactive management model and include current and future trends in personnel management, and propose problem-solving techniques for the controversies surrounding criminal justice personal and corruption; recommend solutions to address ethical issues related to policy with criminal justice personnel.
    The article will be written in the Socratic method. Student’s Article of Publication will be based on the text, provide articles, include an outline of the problem, propose a solution, answer what critics say about the problem, and discuss the implications of the solution. The article should conclude with policy recommendations based on the readings. In addition, the Saint Leo University CORE Value of Integrity must be intergraded into your work.
    The article is NOT to be an opinion piece, such as an Op-Ed or newspaper article. This is to be a scholarly article based on extensive research. Any articles that are not written in the required

manner will not be accepted. The article must be no less than 1,800 words and must be written in the most current APA format. No papers will be accepted for credit if they do not conform to the APA writing requirement. Be sure to include a separate reference page in the final paper.
This final Article for Publication must be submitted to the Assignment box no later than Saturday 11:59 PM EST/EDT of Module 7. (This Assignment box may be linked to Turnitin.)
Article for Publication requirements:

  • APA style of writing
  • Title page
  • Abstract
  • Table of Contents
  • The article must be no less than 1,800 words (not including cover page, table of contents, abstract, endnote page, references, etc.)
  • Typed, double-spaced, and normal 1” margins
  • Type size 12; type style: New Times Roman Font
  • Graduate-level writing
  • APA references (required number of references are in the assignment – at least 6)
  • The Article for Publication is to be your original work. You are required to use no
    more than 20% of others’ work when completing this assignment. This includes
    properly cited quotations.
  • The Article for Publication is

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