Describe the data analysis approach you will use for each instrument or data source. Support your approach with relevant scholarly sources.

    November 5, 2022

Respond to one of the following based on the selected methodology of your dissertation study.
If doing a qualitative study:
Describe the data analysis approach you will use for each instrument or data source. Support your approach with relevant scholarly sources.
Incorporate instructor feedback on your post to revise the Data Analysis section of the prospectus.
If doing a quantitative study:
Describe the data analysis approach you will use for each of the research questions/hypotheses. Support your approach with relevant scholarly sources.
Incorporate instructor feedback on your post to revise the Data Analysis section of the prospectus.
DQ2 Use a peer-reviewed source to define the terms: assumptions, delimitations, and limitations. Develop and provide a rationale for three assumptions, three delimitations and three limitations for your proposed study.

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