DesDesign a 3 page excluding reference page typewritten case study of a person
September 15, 2022
DesDesign a 3 page excluding reference page typewritten case study of a person who has presented for treatment. Candidates will outline characteristics of age, gender, and marital status for this hypothetical person. All other information may be hypothetical, your own, or a combination of the two. Do not acknowledge either in your paper or to any of your “counselors” (your fellow classmates) what is real and what is fabricated. Do not give the paper to your counselor. You may however, give them some basic demographic information and the main topic or concern you will be presenting in therapy.
Describe in detail the presenting problem, current life situation, feelings, attitudes, experiences, and behaviors that characterize this individual. Provide information about family history, education, medical and psychological (previous therapy) treatment and history and current functioning. Include alcohol and drug usage present and past. You must be detailed enough so that you will be able to assume the identity of this “client/student” this semester. You will be expected to be this person consistently while working with your “counselor” in “counseling” sessions. Examples of possible reasons for the client coming to counseling may be stress, anxiety, depression, major life changes/adjustments, or decisions, grief, career concerns, family concerns, and other issues that may be discussed in class. Please type using 12in font.
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