DoD Lab 2 Week II

    January 3, 2023

DoD Lab 2 Week II:

The purpose of this homework assignment is to identify the requirements and hardening guides that provide a frame to which a government network and business should adhere. You will assess the available sites under the Department of Defense (DoD) and identify agencies in charge of providing security guidelines, and you will review the hardening and best practice guidelines provided by DoD’s Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) and Information Assurance Support Environment (IASE). Participate in each section of the homework assignment and follow the instructions for the exercises in each section. You will use a Word document to develop your homework assignment by completing the sections listed below:
Lab 2.1a

Review the following scenario: You work for a governmental unit of DoD, and your manager has asked you to write a brief paper outlining the importance of having the proper DoD-approved frameworks in place when an organization wants to conduct business with a governmental unit. Your task is to evaluate all the available DoD, IASE, and NIST hardening guides on the Internet and to write a brief analysis of the technical controls and hardening guides that should be implemented as a minimum guideline for divisions of government agencies such as yours. Launch your Web browser and navigate to the following website: Review the DoD list of registered websites and review the content of some of the information assurance sites.
In your document, list three of the DoD-registered websites that provide guidelines and documents related to information assurance.
Lab 2.1b

Launch your Web browser and navigate to the following website: 2. Review the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) website, focusing on the agency’s services and capabilities. Evaluate which services and capabilities are relevant to the task of formulating a framework for secure government operations.

In your document, note those services and capabilities that were relevant to secure government operations.

Lab 2.1c

Launch your Web browser and navigate to the following website:

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