Ever since 2017 when the United States payed off the national debt, and solved all the polarizing issues of the time period, the United States has been extremely active in the regulation of Bubblegum flavored ice cream.

    November 2, 2022

Ever since 2017 when the United States payed off the national debt, and solved all the polarizing issues of the time period, the United States has been extremely active in the regulation of Bubblegum flavored ice cream. The United States created the “Bureau of Bubblegum flavored ice cream inspection” to help set national standards which must be followed by all 50 states. The main standard is a label which must be placed on the outside of every single container of Bubblegum ice cream stating the date and location where the ice cream was created.
Because of extreme levels of climate change, in the year 2025 Arizona has become the leading state in the creation and exportation of Bubblegum flavored ice cream. As the leader in Bubblegum ice cream creation and exportation, Arizona has not only followed the national standards, but has created even more stringent standards for their Bubblegum ice cream businesses, and are known throughout the country for the level of quality, and safety in their Bubblegum ice cream. Every container Arizona creates of Bubblegum ice cream is labeled according to national standards, but also labeled with additional information. This additional information is helpful for consumers of Bubblegum flavored ice cream, and is clearly superior to the Federal Bubblegum ice cream requirements, as well as helps set Arizona Bubblegum ice cream apart from all the other states Bubblegum ice cream.
Maine in an attempt to help out their own Bubblegum ice cream sales, as well as part of a long standing feud against the good people of Arizona passes a law stating that there can be no label on any container of Bubblegum Flavored ice cream besides what is mandated by the Bureau of Bubblegum Flavored ice cream, as well as the label stating it is Bubblegum Flavored ice cream. This law will keep Arizona Bubblegum ice cream from being exported to Maine, and will hurt the Bubblegum ice cream industry of Arizona.
Arizona unhappy about the regulation sues Maine, and the case is appealed all the way to the Supreme Court.
1. What case did we cover this semester that is most like the scenario above?
2. Will the Supreme Court rule in favor of Arizona or Maine?
3. Explain why you chose the party you chose for part 2 of this question.
4. What argument could the losing party make as to why they should be allowed to act as they acted?

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