Final paper for my Capstone

    October 10, 2022

 I need one more reflection paper for my last week of Capstone and final paper. I prefer to give you information to start working on my Final paper first, since it is very important and worth 50 points out of 100 for whole Capstone, and also should be  8- 10 pages long. My instructor wants us to discuss our intervention based on Neuman model. I send you reubic for this paper to know how she grade us based on this scale. We need to address 6 learning income and how to intervene based on Neuman model. Also some negative things and how those experiences effect me for future. 6 learning outcome can be: 
1- Address safety  based on Neuman model and acknowledge their physiological and emotional needs, ex: if student came to nursing office and seems he/she is hungry offer them some snack/food , so they feel better and be focused. That was really important to me that they feel they are in a safe place when they come to nursing office, I listen to them and made them sure that I take care of them the best way possible. So they feel they are secure , and there is somebody who understand them and work for them truly to get better and be ready to come back in their classroom. 
2- Well and appropriate communication: it helps to stablish trust and facilitate get involved with them and help whatever they need 
3-Learned that each of the student is unique on his/her own way and may they need different intervention even with the same problem. Like when students coming to nursing office due to anxiety, some of them prefer just to be alone and be relaxed for few minutes and some of them wanted somebody to listen to them and be with them. I as a future nurse understand and respect both and acknowledge their feelings.
 4- Many times even one small intervention can cause big outcome for patients, like talk to student with physical disability and tell him/her that some disability  is not a reason to stop dreaming for better future and work for it. When I saw that student felt better after talking to her, even I felt better to cause a young teenager look more positive to life. 
5- I learned how to work with other nurses in a healthy environment and don’t be shy if I need some help, or even if I noticed something is wrong I step forward, address that issue in an appropriate, respectful manner. Like I told my preceptor to let the boy flush the toilet not you, he doesn’t have any physical issue, just thinks this is not his job to do it. 
6- I learned how to use my skills that learned in nursing class and applied them in real situation. My intervention for nose bleeding, boy with broken forearm and suspicious of compartment syndrome  are some examples of use academic knowledge in real scene.

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