Following are required to read to answer the question below: 

    September 15, 2022

Following are required to read to answer the question below:

“Judiciary Power and Practice-The War Powers Resolution.” American Foreign Relations. The war powers resolution – Judiciary Power and Practice ( (Links to an external site.)
Goldsmith, Jack. “War Power: The president’s campaign against Libya is constitutional.” Slate. 21 March 2011. The campaign against Libya is constitutional. ( (Links to an external site.)
Boaz, David. “President Obama’s Illegal War.” Britannica Blog. 31 May 2011. President Obama’s Illegal War | Cato Institute (Links to an external site.)

Whose argument do you find more convincing? Boaz’s or Goldsmith’s? In other words, was US intervention in Libya in 2011 Constitutional? Please explain.

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