For this assignment please compare and contrast two symbols that are used in the culture wars. Be sure to focus on highlighting the similar values between the two groups while still mentioning the different cultural practices.

    November 5, 2022

For this assignment please compare and contrast two symbols that are used in the culture wars. Be sure to focus on highlighting the similar values between the two groups while still mentioning the different cultural practices.
Identify a cultural symbol, practice, or belief system (be as creative as you want to be).
Interview as many people as you can to gather a complex understanding of how different communities understand this concept. You’re welcome to interview friends, family, co-workers, classmates, professors, or strangers.
Write 2 paragraphs that compare the two beliefs (copy my format below).
Include 3 bolded words in your description that demonstrate similarities across the two communities (be as creative as you need to be).
Remember, your goal is to explain how the communities may appear to be opposites while still sharing some similar core values. Please demonstrate how these two communities are similar and also distinctly different.
This is an example of cross-cultural analysis. Anthropologists examine cultural practices and belief systems across cultures in order to better understand how the practices and beliefs are constructed within each community.
Sample Response
In my lesson, I shared the following example to demonstrate how a little anthropological fieldwork could help us demonstrate the similarities between two seemingly opposing views.
A large, powerful truck is resilient, and can overcome natural obstacles. These vehicles embody survival and hard work to their owners. Individuals of a conservative mindset firmly believe that self-reliance and determination are essential and are the highest moral values that preserve life and lead to national greatness. These individuals, therefore, believe that it is their duty to own and drive a resilient and resourceful vehicle.  A hybrid vehicle does not rely exclusively on fossil fuels and is therefore more resilient. These vehicles slow environmental destruction and therefore better ensure humanity’s survival. Individuals of a liberal mindset firmly believe that preserving the environment is the highest moral value and that responsible actions lead to national greatness. These individuals, therefore, believe that it is their duty to own and drive a clean vehicle.
Culturally, we may consider trucks and hybrid vehicles to be opposites of each other and we may even connect these vehicles to a person’s political beliefs. But, in reality, owners of each vehicle draw upon the same value systems and this insight demonstrates that these people have more than they may have initially expected to have.

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