For this assignment, you will submit the second document to be included in your Professional Portfolio

    September 15, 2022

For this assignment, you will submit the second document to be included in your Professional Portfolio: Your personal statement or a cover letter. As you near completion of your undergraduate education, you have probably been reflecting on your personal and professional development and goals. Summarizing so much personal information on paper is not easy, but it’s important. Many employers complain that in interviews and job applications, students do not seem to know how to articulate the skills and strengths that they bring to the job.

In preparation for writing the personal statement/cover letter, review Dr. Margaret A. Lloyd’s Web site at:  Learn what you can do with your bachelor’s degree in Psychology. Determine if you will pursue graduate school or employment upon graduation. Note choices that seem to apply to you and why. If more than one, rank these choices. Describe any concerns you might have regarding your interests. What level of education will you need to pursue? Have you taken any previous courses or trained in this area? These links in particular should be helpful:

Exploring your abilities, interest, skills,

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