HSM 410 Week 5 Course Project Outline                                                                 Criteria                                       Ratings                               Pts

    September 15, 2022

HSM 410 Week 5 Course Project Outline
Criteria                                       Ratings                               Pts
It is expected that the Outline is submitted in a formal                              50 pts       0 pts
outline format as demonstrated below. Your outline should show              Full          No 
enough detail to demonstrate that you have begun thinking about the      Marks      Marks
organization of your paper and the research, you have already
conducted along with additional research is required for the topic.
I. Each Roman numeral should be a main section of the paper.                                                     50 pts
A. Subpoint
1. Details of Subpoint
a. Related details to the Subpoint
B. Subpoint
Format: Title and Reference Page                                                    2 pts      0 pts                      2 pts   
Must follow APA Format.                                                                     Full       No 
Marks    Marks
References: 4 Credible Sources                                                      8 pts      0 pts                      8 pts
Full         No
                                                                                                         Marks       Marks
Total Points: 60

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