Identify two types of crises experienced by individuals, couples, and/or families and discuss the interventions for each of the crises. Crisis With Individuals, Couples, and Families

    September 17, 2022

Identify two types of crises experienced by individuals, couples, and/or families and discuss the interventions for each of the crises.Crisis With Individuals, Couples, and FamiliesMany people do not connect the word crisis to the words couples and families. When considering the impact of issues such as suicide, significant illness, death, job loss, addiction, and relationship violence, a crisis is indeed what has happened within a couple or a family. Such an event affects all involved, singularly and collectively. Family systems theories teach that there is a recalibration period after an event occurs for which the collective unit must make adjustments and acclimate to the change, whether that event is positive or negative. When one part of a system is changed, the other parts are impacted as well. For crises that have a family impact, it is important to work within this framework to help the family adjust and recover.For this Assignment, identify two types of crises experienced by individuals, couples, and/or families. One of your selections must be the crisis of suicide. Select two research articles from the Walden Library that discuss interventions for each of the crises you chose (totaling four articles). Think about the merits and limitations of the interventions discussed in your articles and that you would implement in your own practice and why. Consider the cultural, ethical, and/or legal issues related to treating survivors of the two crises you chose.The Assignment (23 pages):oCite the articles you selected in correct APA format.oExplain the merits and limitations of the interventions discussed/recommended in the articles.oExplain which intervention(s) you most likely would use in your own practice and why.oExplain the primary cultural, ethical, and/or legal issues related to treating survivors of the two types of crises you chose.

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