August 2, 2024
Course Summary
Course : ITCC231 Title : Introduction to Information Technology Writing
Length of Course : 8
Prerequisites : Credit Hours : 3
Course Description: This course provides a writing foundation necessary for an IT professional to identify and respond to communication needs within the IT environment, so that the professional can produce clear, concise, and appropriate IT documentation for peers and supervisors, with the ultimate goal of increasing organizational standardization and efficiency.
Course Scope:
This course will focus on documents written in an IT environment intended for a readership within that same environment, rather than a general readership. For instance, software developers write project status reports intended for their supervisor’s eyes only, supervisors write project descriptions intended for developers and supervisors, and consultants write analyses of practices intended for management. The course will focus on acquiring competence in identifying formats, and later synthesizing and applying this knowledge to the composition of a major IT document.
Clarity and simplicity in composition will be stressed throughout the course.
After successfully completing this course, you will be able to
- Identify the key formats/purpose of IT documents on first reading of document.
- Explain the appropriateness of a document for particular writing/research goals.
- Interpret requirements and appropriate project documentation needs.
- Audit supporting documentation before composing an IT document.
- Explain IT document scope to others, justifying scope or compromising scope to supervisor feedback.
- Compose clear, concise, well-structured sentences and paragraphs in unambiguous, precise language IT document.
- Provide peer feedback to an IT document on reconstructing the document if it is concluded that re-organization is necessary.
- Compose a final draft of a significant, clear, concise, and useful IT document.
Week 1:
Is this job for me? Learning Objectives
CO1 Identify the key formats/ purpose of IT documents on first reading of document. Readings
Chapter 1-4 Assignment
Discussion – Technical Writing & Introductions
Week 2:
Building the Foundation Learning Objectives
CO2 Explain the appropriateness of a document for particular writing/research goals. Readings
Chapter 5-8 Assignment
Discussion – Best Practices & Defining Users Technical Paper Topic Must be Approved
Week 3:
The Best Laid Plans Learning Objectives
CO3 Interpret requirements and appropriate project documentation needs. Readings
Chapter 9-12 Assignment
Discussion – Documentation Plan & Calculate Time 1-Page Technical Paper Outline Due
Week 4:
Graphics and Formatting Learning Objectives
CO4 Audit supporting documentation before composing an IT document. Readings
No Reading this week Assignment
Discussion – Understanding Graphic s & Format Midterm Project!
Week 5:
On the Job Learning Objectives
CO5 Explain IT document scope to others, justifying scope or compromising scope to supervisor feedback. Readings
Chapter 13-17 Assignment
Discussion – Rewriting & Outlines Rough Draft of Technical Paper Due
Week 6:
The Tech Writer Toolbox Learning Objectives
CO6 Compose clear, concise, well-structured sentences and paragraphs in unambiguous, precise language IT document.
Readings Chapter 18-21
Discussion – Front & Back Matter Index
Week 7:
I Love My Job, I Love My Job, I Love My Job Learning Objectives
CO7 Provide peer feedback to an IT document on reconstructing the document if it is concluded that re- organization is necessary.
Readings Chapter 22-24 Assignment
Discussion – Working outside the box
Week 8:
Resume Writing Learning Objectives
CO8 Compose a final draft of a significant, clear, concise, and useful IT document. Readings
No Reading this week Assignment
Discussion – Writing your resume Final Paper
Book Title: The Insider’s Guide to Technical Writing – E-book available in the APUS Online Library. Hard copy not available from the APUS Bookstore, please try other sources.
Author: Van Laan Publication Info: XML Press ISBN: 9781937434038
Book Title: To find the library e-book(s) req’d for your course, please visit to locate the eReserve by course #. You must be logged in to eCampus first to access the links.
Author: N/A Publication Info: N/A ISBN: N/A
Additional references are found in the Lessons area of the classroom, embedded in the weekly lessons.
Course Guidelines
Citation and Reference Style
Attention Please: Students will follow the APA Format as the sole citation and reference style used in written work submitted as part of coursework to the University. Assignments completed in a narrative essay or composition format must follow the citation style cited in the APA Format.
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Late Assignments
Students are expected to submit classroom assignments by the posted due date and to complete the course according to the published class schedule. The due date for each assignment is listed under each Assignment.
Generally speaking, late work may result in a deduction up to 20% of the grade for each day late, not to exceed 5 days.
As a working adult I know your time is limited and often out of your control. Faculty may be more flexible if they know ahead of time of any potential late assignments.
Turn It In
Faculty may require assignments be submitted to will analyze a paper and report instances of potential plagiarism for the student to edit before submitting it for a grade. In some cases professors may require students to use This is automatically processed through the Assignments area of the course.
Academic Dishonesty
Academic Dishonesty incorporates more than plagiarism, which is using the work of others without citation.
Academic dishonesty includes any use of content purchased or retrieved from web services such as Additionally, allowing your work to be placed on such web services is academic dishonesty, as it is enabling the dishonesty of others. The copy and pasting of content from any web page, without citation as a direct quote, is academic dishonesty. When in doubt, do not copy/paste, and always cite.
Submission Guidelines
Some assignments may have very specific requirements for formatting (such as font, margins, etc) and submission file type (such as .docx, .pdf, etc) See the assignment instructions for details. In general, standard file types such as those associated with Microsoft Office are preferred, unless otherwise specified.
Disclaimer Statement
Course content may vary from the outline to meet the needs of this particular group.
Communicating on the Forum
Forums are the heart of the interaction in this course. The more engaged and lively the exchanges, the more interesting and fun the course will be. Only substantive comments will receive credit. Although there is a final posting time after which the instructor will grade comments, it is not sufficient to wait until the last day to contribute your comments/questions on the forum. The purpose of the forums is to actively participate in an on- going discussion about the assigned content.
“Substantive” means comments that contribute something new and hopefully important to the discussion. Thus a message that simply says “I agree” is not substantive. A substantive comment contributes a new idea or perspective, a good follow-up question to a point made, offers a response to a question, provides an example or illustration of a key point, points out an inconsistency in an argument, etc.
As a class, if we run into conflicting view points, we must respect each individual’s own opinion. Hateful and hurtful comments towards other individuals, students, groups, peoples, and/or societies will not be tolerated.
University Policies
Drop/Withdrawal policy
Extension Requests
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