Melissa is a 59-year-old lady residing in the township of Bophelong in the Eastern Cape Province.
November 2, 2022
Melissa is a 59-year-old lady residing in the township of Bophelong in the Eastern Cape Province. Melissa runs a home for abandoned, orphaned and disabled children in the township. The Department of Social Development has brought five children to Melissa’s home. The High Court has recommended that these children be taken under the care of Melissa and made a court order to that effect. The ages of the children range between 4 and 16 years. Explain what a means test entails SSL2601 October 2022 Advise Melissa if she can apply for a specific grant in respect of the live children mentioned above and mention if she will need to submit any documents, if she qualifies for that grant. (10) Advise whether Melissa will be eligible for any type of social grant on her next birthday. CO
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