Please Answer According The Comments. Thanks. 75 Words/Each. Reference Between 2013-2018( 75 Words In Each). Thanks
October 10, 2022
Comment 1
One professional journal that I would present my project would be the American Journal of Nursing because this journal contains many peered reviewed articles on issues that many nurses face today. According to the American Journal of Nursing (2018), it is one of the largest and oldest journals that contains information from all over the world. I believe that since it’s available in all parts of the world, it would be perfect for the dissemination of my project because the problem of pressure ulcer development occurs in health care settings all over the world.
The nursing conference that I would choose would be the 47th Global Nursing and Healthcare Education because after reading about its description, I believe that my project would fit well. According to the New York Events List, this conference would take place November 8-9, 2019 in San Francisco CA. I currently live and work in the Bay Area, so the location is not very far away. In the description of the conference, it specified that it “is a platform for nursing students, faculty, deans, researchers, and leaders to collaborate on topics affecting nursing education” (New York Events List, 2018, para 4). I would also be able to present the information through oral and poster presentations. All kinds of nurses with different degrees and level of expertise would be present, which is important because my project has the potential to affect patients in all types of health care settings.
Comment 2
One professional journal that I would present my capstone project idea would be The American Journal of Maternal/Child Nursing. Also, I would like to present my capstone project idea to the Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing. By presenting to both journals would allow the research and information to be spread to a wider range of individuals and patients. This would allow for two different specialties of nursing to expand their knowledge about postpartum depression and how to provide the best patient care possible. These group of professionals and researchers could add to the information or even bring about new options that have not be incorporated yet.
There are two main conferences that I would present my capstone project, this includes Mental Health American Conference or NAMI National Convention. The website below provides a link to a year’s worth of mental health conferences that would be appropriate to present the information with. Conferences are a great way to present information because of the wide variety of attendees. Conferences also provide the individuals with a wide arraignment of resources as well. Attending conferences will allow individuals to expand their knowledge and improve their own practices.
Comment 3 DQ 2 Cind
Evidence based practice is essential to BSN-prepared RN because it is the incorporation of research, clinical expertise, and patient preference and values according to Lippincott (2016). Incorporation of evidence-based research into my daily work day will provide solid foundation for safe patient care. I will try to invite conversation and debate as to the effectiveness of procedure changes and whether they provide the best care for our patient population. I will become active in my attendance of meetings on the unit that pertain to the welfare and health promotion of staff and the patients we care for. Attendance of conference meetings and unit program meetings on a regular basis will keep me current and up to date on proposed changes.
Obstacles would be the time that is required to attend these meetings which are typically held during the day time hours which, for me, is when I am sleeping. I do not know if I can change this aspect of my involvement in unit politics, but I may be able to read meeting notes to keep abreast of meeting content.
Comment 4
EBP is an essential component in the practice of BSN-prepared RN because they must base their practice on EBP. This is vital because many studies have been conducted to determine if certain practices are the best to use or not. Health care is constantly changing and growing and the way patients care is given changes as well. New and improved methods to increase patient outcomes are being discovered all of the time. In order to determine their effectiveness, multiple studies must be done. According to Salinas (2017), “EBP continues to change the way nurses care for their patients…high quality care is supported by evidence…[and] takes into account…best practice evidence, patient preferences, and clinical expertise” para 1-3). Salinas (2017) also mentioned that EBP teaches nurses how to improve patient outcomes, reduce costs, provide high quality care, and eliminate practices that are no longer effective. Although the article refers to students, it refers to BSN-prepared nurses as well because in reality, nurses will always be students. Nursing require lifelong learning.
Two ways that I would integrate evidence into my practice would be by as I complete my CEs required for my license, I would choose topics that would relate to the environment that I am in. For example, if I stayed at my facility, I would continue to learn about methods to improve wound care. This would include the types of treatments to used based on the assessment of the wound. Another way would be to attend meetings and conferences about patient care and take what I have learned and implement it in my practices.
Obstacles that could challenge this plan would be time to conduct more research and attend the conferences and meetings. Motivation would also be a major barrier as well. To minimize this impact, I would need to refine my time management skills, and find factors to help motivate me. One important factor would be to remind myself that I want to give my patients the best care possible and in order to do that, I must be willing to learn new things.
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