Raye just got his first new job at a sushi place across town. He drove 50 kilometres each day to reach his workplace since it was the only sushi place open in his designated area

    November 2, 2022

Raye just got his first new job at a sushi place across town. He drove 50 kilometres each day to reach his workplace since it was the only sushi place open in his designated area. Raye was called in by his manager to work even though it was his day off, and Raye agreed and came in since the place was low on staff. A lady called the sushi place and booked a reservation for two for the afternoon. The couple insisted it was their first time and did not know what to consider ordering. Raye inherited that their new Maki Sushi tray was new on their menu since they had their grand opening. The couple agreed to order the Maki Sushi. As their food came, the couple enjoyed their meal since it was the only meal they had eaten all day. The next day, the couple enjoyed a scrumptious date. The wife started getting extremely sick, causing her to vomit and have extreme fatigue, which made her collapse and perform an ongoing seizure; the lady was sent to emergency due to her severe condition. Furthermore, the doctors stated it was food poisoning. The wife had eaten rotten/mouldy fish and rice in the sushi, which led her to get extremely sick due to the wife not eating anything but the sushi.
– what can the main issue potentially be (explain depth) provide evidence 
– who is the plaintiff (explain in depth) provide evidence 
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– The causation- (explain in depth) provide evidence

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