Respond by Day 5 to at least two colleagues with two or three strategies
September 15, 2022
Respond by Day 5 to at least two colleagues with two or three strategies your colleague might apply in treating Miranda’s depression.
Colleague 1: Tiffany
I would use The Hamilton Depression Rating Scale on Miranda also known as the HAM-D. HAM-D.pdf The HAM-D is designed to rate the severity of depression in patients. Although it contains 21 areas you have to calculate the patient’s score on the first 17 answers. The client filling out the HAM-D would circle the answer that best describes how they feel.
I would ask Miranda to complete this scale after we talked a few minutes. I would ask her to be honest with her answers so I would know how to address her issues better. I would also remind her of the confidentiality between client and social worker. I would remind her everything she tells me or circles on the scale would be confidential, unless she told me she had a plan to hurt herself or someone else. I think the target population would be young adults to middle age adults using this scale. There is a geriatric scale and a children’s scale that would be a better fit for that population. I would ask Miranda how often or how long does she sleep. I would ask Miranda what time of day does she eat a lot, what are her hobbies, does she enjoy doing the thing that use to make her happy.
A red flag would be staying in the bed too much, calling in to work a lot, eating heavy at night, not keeping herself or her home clean. Giving away personal items that use to mean a lot to her.
I would use the Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale also know as C-SSRS on Miranda if some of the red flags come up in our assessment. Suicide-Risk-Assessment-C-SSRS-Lifeline-Version-2014.pdf
Hawkins, R. L.,
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