Select the title link above to post your PowerPoint project.
September 15, 2022
PowerPoint Project Submission
Select the title link above to post your PowerPoint project. The PowerPoint Project Rubric will serve as a guide for designing the project and for grading purposes. The maximum total of points available for this project is 100 points.
You are to create a PowerPoint project regarding a learning theorist or theory identified in Chapter 3 of the textbook. Some examples include classical conditioning, operant conditioning, cognitive theory, Ivan Pavlov, Albert Bandura, and Edward Thorndike. The PowerPoint project should be a minimum of 15 slides in length (1 title slide, 13 information/content slides, and 1 References slide). You should use quotation marks when quoting and cite appropriately when quoting or paraphrasing. APA writing style should be used when citing references in context and when indicating references on the References slide. A total of 3 references should be used, your textbook and two other references.
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