Skeletal System Assignment

    September 15, 2022

Welcome to the Skeletal System Assignment
Read the Following Case
Janet was excited to help her daughter move into her first apartment. Julie was a bright, 29 year old college graduate who recently decided to end her roommate situation and live on her own. Janet was happy to have Julie living only a few miles away.
“I can help you with some of the smaller items Julie,” said Janet.
“At age 61, I don’t have the energy and strength I did when I was your age,” exclaimed Janet.
“It’s okay mom,” said Julie. “My friends will handle the few pieces of furniture I have.”
The move was making good progress. Julie lived in an upstairs flat and her new place was on the ground floor. Janet carried smaller items to the rented moving truck.
After a cigarette break, Janet headed up the steep stairs for another load. She grabbed a large but light box of towels.  
“Are you okay with that mom?” Julie called out from across the room.
“I think I can handle it okay,” said Janet. “This might be the last one though.”
Janet headed to the stairs. After making numerous trips, she thought she judged where the first step began. However, the box obscured her view and she missed the first step and fell directly downwards on her bottom while holding the box.
“Mom, are you okay!” yelled Julie while she rushed to help.
“I think I felt something give in my back!” said Janet. “The box was light enough, just my clumsiness.”
Janet began to cough her familiar smoker’s cough.
“It really hurts when I cough, right in the middle of my back.”
“I think you need to go to the hospital,” said Julie. “I’ll take you. My friends can finish the move.”
At the Hospital
The ER doctor performed an examination with the following notes:
Patient: Janet Jones, female, age 61, post-menopausal, smoker with complaints of severe lower thoracic spine pain after a fall. Patient states the pain is increased with inhalation.
Vitals: Normal except for an elevated pulse and BP most likely due to acute pain.
Examination of the paraspinal musculature demonstrated spasm and tenderness.
X-ray of the thoracic spine
X-rays were performed on Janet’s thoracic spine with the following findings:
Radiographs demonstrated a severe compression fracture of the T12 vertebral body.

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