Task CW1: Critically evaluate the benefits of the adoption of SHRM strategies in contemporary organisations

    January 5, 2023


Task CW1Critically evaluate the benefits of the adoption of SHRM strategies in contemporary organisations’ Or   Critically evaluate the effectiveness of the strategic HRM approach of your chosen organisations.  
Nature of submissionIndividual Essay
Format of submission2000 words Arial font 12, one and a half line spacing.  
WeightingEssay one – 50% weighting.
Submission dateTuesday 10th January 2023, by 4pm  
Submission feedback dateTuesday 7th February 2023, by 4pm
Submission method BLACKBOARD Through Turnitin

Learning outcomes tested – LO’S 1 and 2

  1. •Analyse and critically evaluate the difference between people management in differing organisational settings.
  2. •Critically evaluate theoretical approaches used by organisations in their strategic Human Resourcing activities.

Assessment brief

The first essay adopts a micro level interpretation of SHRM. The assignment calls for critical exploration and discussion of cost-effective labour strategies employed as part of the SHRM remit.

Using an organisation of your choice you are required to explore their labour strategies referring to the topics discussed in lectures.  

Below are some useful hints, although full support will be provided through in-lecture revision sessions.

Useful Hints

  • The first learning outcome for CW1 is asking…What HRM strategies do employers use?

To address this first LO, the answer should include a series of points that include the following.

  1. Discussions regarding what is meant by SHRM – various definitions are required using theory to provide this.
  2. Universalist approach
  3. Fit or contingency approach
  4. Resource based approach
  • What are the objectives of SHRM? Offer various perspectives on what SHRM is concerned with achieving.
  • Discuss the different business choices that employers make about their SHRM strategies. Three layers of SHRM strategy should be evidenced in the work.
  • First layer – These should include discussions on their overarching competitive strategy – cost leadership / differentiation.
  • Second Layer-Discussion should include their SHRM approach and why they would choose to take it – universalistic / contingency / resource-based approach and why.
  • Third layer – should include the people strategies evident in the chosen organisation. These could include if relevant bargain labourer strategies/loyal soldier/committed expert/ free agent. Discussions should include: – How these people are treated / managed differently and why is this the case? How does this strategic approach benefit the organisation and provide competitive advantage? How does this approach benefit the people that work in the organisation? Consider here- how money is spent on the resource on training, recruitment, development, reward? Consider, does HR become more ‘human’ as the resource becomes more important to the business?
  • LO2 is concerned with theory and is asking for the underpinning reason(s) why businesses behave in this way.
  • Consider competitive advantage achieved through: – Human machinery or valuable asset?
  • Achieved through an understanding of how to get the best out of people. Consider the link between motivation, retention and productivity.
  • The essay seeks to understand how far human relationships are central to Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) and investigates the ‘soft’ rhetoric of people as an organisation’s greatest assets and the ‘hard’ reality that ‘people’ constitute only a part of organisations strategic thinking and are used like any other asset or resource.
  • The assignment looks for ‘connections’ between theory and practice and not just a linear interpretation.
  • Correct and consistent referencing. In general, work should be supported with underpinning academic evidence.
  • Higher Level work should seek to include: – Discussions including motivational theorists. Exploration of the employment relationship through a power lens see Lukes. Exploitation discussion see Marx, Braverman, Heideggar.

Assessment Criteria

CriteriaSignificance level
Depth of research and analysis: Sufficient and appropriate information has been selected and retrieved from a range of sources The essay addresses the question and critically evaluates the appropriate theory  15%  
Knowledge and comprehension of concepts and theories appropriate to the subject: Wide range and depth of research of perspectives, theory, concepts and models have been identified and understood.Coherent and logical approach to the critical evaluation of the SHRM theory  20%
Application of theoretical concepts to the context: ·       Appropriate perspectives, theory, concepts and models have been applied  20%
Analysis and synthesis of data to make effective critical discussion and analysis: Critically evaluates the theory, concepts and models.  35%
Communication and presentation: Presented in an appropriate academic essay format. Concise and focused writing styleGood writing style with good spelling and grammar ·       Harvard Referencing is used effectively. ·       Appropriate bibliography is included.10%

Grading indicators (what we are looking for)

Topic knowledgeDoes the subject when looked at a document indicate that you have developed a good knowledge of the topic and what this means to your research question.
10-20%Relies on single brief descriptive account of a single concept linked to chosen topic, related theoretical models, theories or more generally management/SHRM theory.
20-30%Relies on single descriptive account of the chosen topic, related theories and theoretical models or more generally management/SHRM theory.
30-40%Relies on descriptive account of a limited range of chosen topics and related theoretical models or more generally management/SHRM theory.
40-50%Relies on descriptive account of a limited range of descriptive understanding of chosen topic and theories, frameworks and models as applied to chosen context.
50-60%Adequate understanding but largely descriptive understanding of chosen topic and theories, frameworks and models as applied to chosen context.
60-70%Demonstrates a good understanding of the chosen topic and associated theory and concepts by illustrate this with clear linkages between the two. Makes use of current academic thinking in this area.
70-80%Demonstrates a largely consistent and sophisticated understanding of the chosen topic and associated theories, frameworks and models. Able to make strong linkages to chosen topic. Good use of current academic thinking in this area which is largely application rather than description. Able to offer some novel conclusions about what this means for future of chosen topic.
80-90%Demonstrates a consistent and sophisticated understanding of the chosen topic and associated theories, frameworks and models. Able to make strong linkages to chosen topic. Excellent use of current academic thinking in this area which is significantly application and analysis rather than description. Able to offer significant novel conclusions about what this means for future of chosen topic.
90%-100%Demonstrates a consistent and sophisticated understanding of the chosen topic and associated theories, frameworks and models. The work is underpinned with a systematic use of seminar works for chosen topic. Able to make strong linkages to chosen topic. Excellent use of current academic thinking in this area which is virtually all application and analysis. Able to offer significant and theoretically sound novel conclusions about what this means for future of chosen topic.

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