The Cancer Experience

    November 5, 2022

The Cancer Experience
An active discussion is the key to an interesting and engaging online course. Discussion in this course is designed to simulate a classroom discussion. As others join in the discussion, you should read what has already been posted and add substantively to the discussion.  We will go through the questions one at a time, moving on to the next question once we have fully explore the current question. I will guide you through the discussions.
The modules in this course are one week in length. Time goes quickly, so remember to post early! Get in the habit of checking the discussions as often as you can to see what others have posted and to respond. The earlier in the week that you begin posting, the deeper the conversation and learning will be.
The first question in this discussion is opinion and/or experience-based, so jump right into the discussion immediately. For subsequent questions please meaningfully integrate your readings including the text, articles, and module notes into your posts.
View the Following Case Study Video:
SeanPerryProductions (March 13, 2013).
Brenda Emer: 12 Time Cancer Survivor (Links to an external site.)
. [Video File, 10:36 minutes.]
First, in your opinion:
People in our society have strong feelings about the word “cancer.” What are some of those feelings? Many people react differently when receiving the information that they too have cancer. For example, if given a terminal diagnosis, what makes some people want to ‘fight’ cancer, while others accept the diagnosis?
Let’s apply your readings and video to the following questions, one at a time:
First, let’s consider the experiences of a person who lives through a traumatic illness. What are some of the challenges someone such as Brenda may face in adjusting and adapting to an illness such as cancer?   As she eloquently described, many providers and treatments were involved in getting the treatment she needed. What are some of the benefits to obtaining coordination of care? How about challenges?
What sorts of decisions did Brenda face? What supports did she have? Let’s think about the experience of cancer for others. Consider someone perhaps living rurally, or who is under-insured, or who does not have a primary care provider. How might people living in other circumstances face different or more limited decisions? Discuss why these differences might exist and what can be done about them.
We have discussed Brenda’s experience living with cancer, and looked at how some of her experiences might differ for people from other groups or living in different circumstances – and why those differences might occur. Based on all that we have discussed and what we have learned about chronic disease self-management, what are some recommendations for Brenda? For others facing uncertain futures with cancer or other traumatic chronic illnesses?

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