To complete the following assignment, you will thoroughly define the following terms/concepts:
September 15, 2022
To complete the following assignment, you will thoroughly define the following terms/concepts:
1. Plagiarism
2. In-text citation
3. Citation/Bibliography
4. Works Cited page
Each definition must include three-five sentences explaining and providing examples of your understanding of the term. Use the MLA format heading and header when submitting work as a file attachment.
Please upload the assignment as a Word or Google Docs document.
Course Engagement RubricCourse Engagement RubricCriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStudent uses MLA heading correctly5 ptsFull Marks0 ptsNo Marks5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePlagiarism Definition3 ptsFull Marks0 ptsNo Marks3 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIn-Text (Parenthetical) Citation Definition3 ptsFull Marks0 ptsNo Marks3 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCitation/Bibliography Definition3 ptsFull Marks0 ptsNo Marks3 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWorks Cited Page Definition3 ptsFull Marks0 ptsNo Marks3 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Definition3 ptsFull Marks0 ptsNo Marks3 pts
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