Topic: Threat of a hurricane to the Gulf Coast or East Coast area of the U.S. 

    September 15, 2022

Topic: Threat of a hurricane to the Gulf Coast or East Coast area of the U.S.
The content of your paper must be at least 7 pages in length (double-spaced, Times New Roman 12 font), not including cover page, references, appendix, tables, etc. The format of the paper must include: 1) submit in Word document and not PDF; 2) a Cover page, which must include the title of the paper, your name, date of submission, and course name; 3) an Abstract or Introduction, which states the purpose of the paper; 4) Sub-headers for each topic as prescribed by the Guidelines listed below, which also serves as the evidence to be graded; and 5) a Conclusion, which summarizes your research findings, and includes comments of your personal perspective about the topic. The research paper must include a minimum of five (5) references, which must be properly cited using APA (7th edition) guidelines. Never use Wikipedia, which is unacceptable. All papers are filtered by Canvas through Turnitin ( Evidence of plagiarism will result in a failing grade. You may also lose 10 points every day the paper is late. Follow the instructions carefully to earn a good grade.
First, conduct thorough research for the ‘Topic’, and be sure to use/cite a minimum of five (5) reference sources > APA 7th edition, citation/bibliography format. (10/10)
Second, consider the hazard in relation to the setting and the probability of a future occurrence based on history as described in the readings of the textbook (Chapters 1

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