1. This discussion board consists of watching a 7 minute Youtube video and then writing a response to the topic of the video in 500 words. You can use the video or outside articles, etc to support your response. 2. I will then send you the response of two classmate’s responses to the same video […]

Imagine you are tasked with conducting a counseling intake interview with a 19 year old college student who is feeling sad, unmotivated, and worried about his grades. It is the student’s first semester at school, and he is finding that he has gone from being an A student in high school to a B- student […]

Answer in two pages! 1. Please read the following vignette and answer the questions.Betty is four years old and is in foster care. She has a history of physical abuse and neglect by her biological father. Her foster parents have brought her to therapy to work with you. She is having difficulty following directives from adults including […]

Neurotransmitters This week’s required and recommended materials will cover topics on neurotransmitters, receptors, neurotransmitter systems, and their role in cognition and behavior (both normal and abnormal). After reading Chapters 3 and 4 in your course text and viewing Brain and Nervous System: Your Information Superhighway, The Nervous System: Nerves at Work, and The Influence of Neurotransmitters complete […]

Slavery has been practiced world-wide since the earliest days of humanity, and is still practiced in parts of the world even today. Yet today in America most people think that slavery is absolutely morally wrong. This week, we have read about the view that all moral values are relative to a particular culture. We have […]