Define how Classroom Assessment Techniques (CATs) enable the faculty to evaluate the student’s learning?
A) In term of hospital characters what are the significant difference between 2011 and 2012? B) In term of socio-economic variables what are the significant difference between 2011 and 2012? To report the “Per Capita Hospital Beds to Population”, you need to divide “total_hospital_beds/ tot_population) C) Based on your findings in which years hospitals had […]
DQ1 Create a draft Individual Success Plan for accomplishing the final deliverables in this course, which is a completed prospectus and an outline of “The Review of Literature” section in Chapter 2. In your plan, provide a rationale for your plan and also include how you will address the iterative reviews given the feedback from […]
DQ1 Present three arguments from empirical studies published in the past three years that define a problem space to justify the need for your proposed study. For each argument, provide supporting citations from the empirical studies. Additionally, upload the corresponding PDFs of the full studies you are using to build your argument. Note: Use the […]
DQ1 Respond to one of the following based on the selected methodology of your dissertation study. If doing a qualitative study: Identify an empirical study which was conducted on the phenomenon you are researching. Identify the theories or models in that study that are relevant to the phenomenon for your proposed study. Discuss how […]
DQ1 Identify the methodology (quantitative or qualitative) for your proposed research. Give three well-developed arguments, with citations from peer-reviewed sources, justifying why the methodology is the best for your problem statement and/or research questions. Use instructor feedback on your post to revise the Rationale for Methodology section in your prospectus. DQ2 Identify the […]