Your midterm writing assignment and Final Exam are both part of your proctored event. For these assignments, students will be immersed in a crime scene investigation from start to finish. You, the student, will play the role of Criminal Investigator. Your job is to solve the crime, bringing the suspect to justice, and completing the […]

Students, for this assignment you will research news articles related to criminal investigations only each week. Choose one article per week, write a 3-5 setence paragraph summary (IN YOUR OWN WORDS) of that article along with a hyperlink to the article. Save all the articles in a single word document, in chronological order (week 1, week 2, […]

Provide two reasons why evidence gathered as part of an investigation must be collected in a structured way? Post your initial response NLT Wednesday of week 2 and respond to at least ONE other student NLT Sunday of week 2. Your initial responses should be at least 200 words with at least one APA resource […]

Cassie is a 35-year-old white female, who lost custody of her two children. Cassie has been a heroin addict for 10 years, but for the last 12 months has been in recovery and is now drug free. Cassie’s absence from her children included a six-month incarceration for committing burglary at a convenience store. It was […]

(Each question is worth 5 points) From Module 7, powerpoint “Unemployment Insurance”, answer the following questions True or False 1_____ The federal-state unemployment insurance system (UI) helps people who have lost their jobs by temporarily replacing part of their wages while they look for work. 2_____The UI was created in 1935 3_____UI is a form […]