As we discovered in our learning activities for Week 2, the topic of diversity is a mainstay in life. Organizations and individuals both work to educate those around on the value of understanding and embracing diversity with the hopes of ensuring the underrepresented received equal opportunities, fair treatment, and experience inclusive environments. Diversity, equity, and […]

This is an optional discussion thread – you are not required to respond; however, if you would like feedback from me and your peers, please feel to post and engage in a discussion. When HR professionals and managers are faced with an issue or trend, the HR professional or manager will prepare an analytical study for their organization in […]

Option 1: Based upon your research into the field please discuss the changing role of unions in the American workplace. Discuss current events surrounding this issue and the role government should play in the process, if any. Do you believe the role of unions in the U.S. should increase? What role should HRM personnel play […]

Total rewards is an organizational system of rewards that is inclusive of compensation, benefits, and any tangible or intangible items employees value and an employer provides to retain employees and reinforce preferred behaviors. These forms of compensation are broken down into two categories: direct (monetary) and indirect (non-monetary). Discussion Question—Choose one perspective in which to […]

A well-designed performance management system will link to an organization’s systems, such as the strategic planning process, total rewards (a.k.a. total compensation), employee training and development, succession planning, and HRIS. In addition, there are many different approaches to performance management. Although one would like to assume that there is a “best way”, the organization needs […]